Confirm that the map is a mobile map package by looking at its item page. You can add data from your portal to an arcgis pro project or arcmap you can publish hosted feature or tile layers from arcgis pro or arcmap to the arcgis enterprise portal you can publish web maps, web scenes, and scene layers from arcgis pro to. Add maps and scenes to a projectarcgis pro documentation. Ill put map package demo direct version, since were going to upload it directly. If you are using a windows computer, skip this step. The arcgis community shares content online through the web, and you can work with arcgis for desktop to get connected with other users online. Open in arcgis desktop open in arcmap open in arcgis pro. Get started with a streetmap premium mobile map package. Make sure the map is shared with the mobile workers.
And instead, ill select upload map package to my arcgis online account. Use arcgis desktop with your portalportal for arcgis 10. When you add a map package or layer package to your arcgis desktop session from a portal, all the content in the package is downloaded and unpacked for use on your desktop. Arcgis geoprocessing tool that packages a map and all referenced data sources. With offline mapbook, users can create mobile map packages using arcgis pro then download or sideload them to a tablet whenever they anticipate future work in a. Share a mobile map packagearcgis pro documentation. You share a package in the same way as any other filevia email, ftp, the cloud, thumb drives, and so on. And in this case, lets just name it similarly to the other one. Arcgis desktop provides geoprocessing tools for sharing map and layer packages. Share and download optionsarcgis pro documentation.
For details, see create an mmpk for offline use if you are using a mac, download the android file transfer utility and follow the instructions provided. Add csv files, shapefiles, or map notes to a map in map viewer and save as a feature collection using save. Publish a hosted elevation layer from the tile package in arcgis online. The task created an exploded mobile map package, which works just the same as a. Arcgis explorer work with arcgis layers and layer packages. The feature layers can be opened in arcgis, map viewer, and scene viewer. You can select the openstreetmap style to get started, use the quick edit tools to quickly restyle the many layers in the map to make it your own, and then save the custom map to your arcgis online account. When you have selected a location of interest including features, search results, and dropped pins, there is a directions action available explorer also includes a compass that directs you to a point of interest. Mobile map packages that have been enabled for anonymous use can be viewed by anyone using explorer for arcgis. These options also allow you to specify locations for unpacking and downloading content that is added to arcgis pro from a portal or a file system folder. Introduction to sharing packagesarcgis pro documentation. To allow users to open a mobile map package without signing in to an arcgis organization, enable anonymous use can be used if youve licensed arcgis pro with the arcgis publisher extension. Once complete, click next to electric utility network foundation to view it in portal for arcgis.
Open mobile map package sample viewer view sample on github. Is there a way to convert the contents of an esri layer package file. If you click the link instead of the thumbnail, the lesson will open to the details page. Mobile workers can open or download a map in explorer. If you are already working in arcmap, you can choose to open another map document.
You can share maps and geographic information with others through arcgis. On the item details page in portal for arcgis, click open in arcgis pro to download the project package to your machine as an item. You can share the offline map through arcgis pro using the package mobile map or share package. Alternatively, you can use the extract package tool and specify an output folder. You can share maps and geographic information with others through arcgis online, including maps, map layers, features, imagery, and analytic results. Verify that the itemid value matches the id in the map s item page url.
Download, install, and authorize arcgis pro documentation. Map packages have other uses too, such as the ability. A popup window that displays the attributes that the package or layer creator has made. Click sharing and indicate whether the map package should be shared with specific groups or with everyone in your. Look in your download directory for a file called item. Select an existing map or browse to it to open it in arcmap. In the my content page a map created from arcmap desktop is listed as a map package, and a map created entirely using the website is a web map what we want. The vector tile style editor can also be accessed through the arcgis online map viewer.
Go to the arcgis online group called arcgis online quick lessons. Using arcgis online in arcgis for desktop applications. You can access this dialog box by clicking file map document properties on the main menu. Arcreader is a free and easytouse application that allows users to view and print maps that are published as published map files pmf by the arcgis publisher extension to arcgis for desktop. Optionally, you can also download an offline help setup or language packs that allow you to run arcgis pro in your preferred language. The first steps to getting started with arcgis pro are to download, install, and authorize the application. Open arcgis administrator from all programs arcgis arcgis administrator. Deploy the utility network projectget started arcgis. A package is a compressed file containing gis data.
One of the items in the group is a web map called red deer recreation facilities. The share and download options allow you to specify a staging location for content that you upload to an arcgis online or arcgis enterprise portal. That function will download the file as a package to your computer, rather than automatically open it in arcgis desktop. With arcgis 10, complete map documents can be shared using map packages mpk. Pmf files preserve a live connection to the data, so the users data view is always dynamic. For each layer that will be shared with the map, open layer properties and. Download map you created in arcgis online geonet, the.
You can then send this mpk file to another arcmap user, they then simply double click on the. Download a mobile map package from arcgis online and import into arcgis pro. Using arcmap you create a package of your current map that bundles your map and all the referenced data into a single mpk file. Offline maps shared through your organization can be kept private, shared among your groups or with your organization, or made public. Configure open in arcgis explorer desktop download publish open in analytics for iot create presentation open presentation edit presentation create a web app. This will close your existing map and open the new one in its place. Am i missing something or is this really the way its supposed to work. However once placed in system it seems the only way to access the map is to download the map package. Map packages are a great way of sharing data between esri arcgis sites. To identify the attributes associated with a feature in the layer youve added move the mouse over the feature and click it.
Map packages can be used for easy sharing of maps between colleagues in a work group, across departments in an organization, or with other arcgis users through arcgis online or arcgis enterprise. A map package cannot be uploaded directly to online and be published as a layer. In this blog entry, i will cover some of those questions, as well as give a brief introduction to the new map package functionality that is available with arcgis 10. In a recent update we provided the option to download a copy from arcgis online. To download it locally, just click the arrow next to open and choose download, as shown below. Arcgis streetmap premium in mobile map package format can be. Youll see a dialog you can use to browse for arcgis layers. Isdirectreadsupportedasync to check whether the package can be read in the archived form. Share a map sign in and open the mapyoull start by opening the map of recreation facilities in red deer, alberta.
In this tutorial, you will use the arcgis runtime sdk for android to open a mobile map package on a device when offline. You can share a great deal of geographic information. This generally means adding the basemap and the operational layers to the map that you would like to package. If you open the map package in pro or arcmap you can publish the contents to arcgis online as a feature layers and tile layers and then you can use those layers in map viewer, scene viewer or. Packages and files from the active portal are downloaded first. If you doubleclick on it, the map should open up in arcgis desktop.
Map packages were a popular topic at the esri user conference this year, and we got quite a few questions about them. Opening layermap packages from desktop in arcgis online. I think you can do it through the import map button on the insert ribbon or by navigating to a package in the project pane, rightclicking on a map package and selecting add and open. A mobile map package is an archive containing the data specifically, basemaps and features used to display an offline map. This information is built into the package and is accessible to others when you upload your map package into arcgis online. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to login after you select a file to download. In order to download these files, you must be logged in with your esri global account. Map packages will fail to open with older versions 9. You can create new maps in arcgis pro or import them from other arcgis desktop applications. If the mobile map package requires unpacking, call mobilemappackage. This group provides data layers as layer packages, map packages, and feature layers services.
Click open to add the layer or layer package to the map. This is the map that your colleague helped you create, which you now want to share with the gis manager. Share it through your arcgis organization and download it through explorer. Portal for arcgis arcgis enterprise arcgis enterprise. Prepare a map and layers for offline use arcgis for. As part of the arcgis platform, arcgis enterprise and arcgis pro or arcgis desktop can be used together for sharing maps, layers, and packages. Using arcgis online in arcgis for desktop applicationshelp. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to disk.
Hosting is supported by ucl, bytemark hosting, and other partners learn more start mapping. Download, install, and authorizearcgis pro documentation. You share them between colleagues in a workgroup, between departments in an organization, or with other users via arcgis online and arcgis enterprise. Go to the arcgis online group get started with map viewer. Prepare maps for downloadexplorer for arcgis documentation. If you are using utility network with arcgis enterprise 10. In this module, we will view and edit metadata in order to create higher quality. The arcgis community shares content online through the web, and you can work with arcgis desktop to get connected with other users online. Offline mapbook is an open source app project built with arcgis runtime sdk to give users the ability to load mobile map packages to a tablet and access their maps while in the field. However,i think the user knows at least one way to try and open a map package but this map package must contain something that needs another license like an extension before it can open. By default, packages will be extracted into your user profile. What i can also do now is, i can open it by clicking open in arcgis for desktop, which will download it and. Before packaging a map, be sure to enter descriptive information about it in the map document properties dialog box.
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